The Stimulus of Loyalty to Beauty Product Influencer on Social Media
Attachment, Homophily, Loyalty to the Influencer, Physical Attractivenes,, Social PresenceAbstract
This research analyzed the stimulus of Loyalty to the influencers of women's cosmetic products on social media. The research object used is Instagram social media. The data collection method used to distribute questionnaires online with samples taken using purposive sampling and non-probability sampling techniques to 230 respondents who are Instagram users and are interested in beauty product influencers in Indonesia. The data analysis method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of this study indicate that the stimulus for Loyalty to cosmetic product influencers on social media is social presence and attachment. In detail, the results of this study prove that social presence influencers have a positive and significant effect on higher attachments, with followers and extensions having a positive and significant impact on higher Loyalty to the influencers. Future research is recommended to use more types of social media besides those used in this study (Instagram), such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, and Tumblr, to get more complete results of further research, as well as adding independent variables that can affect attachment and Loyalty to the Influencers
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