Analysis of the role of leadership in improving employee performance at palm oil processing factories
Kepemimpinan, Kinerja, KaryawanAbstract
A company's survival can be maintained by increasing the productivity of its workers so that production results increase and provide more profits for the company. Increasing employee productivity, one of which is performance, is influenced by the role of company leaders. The performance of PTPN IV Adolina Perbaungan Palm Oil Processing Factory employees has decreased. One of the factors that influences employee performance is the role of leadership. Based on the interview results, this is due to a lack of employee awareness regarding the motivation provided by their leaders. This research is quantitative with a cross-sectional method using a research instrument in the form of a research questionnaire. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression tests. This research obtained results that the leadership and employee performance carried out at PTPN IV Adolina Perbaungan in the good category each had an average value of 3.9 and 4.0. Leadership significantly affects employee performance with a t-table value of 16.358 > 1.993 and a significance value of 0.000. The role of leadership influences employee performance improvement. Companies need leaders who can empower their employees so that the company's vision and mission can be achieved.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Naufal Amirul Hakim, Margie Subahagia Ningsih, Rizkha Rida

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