Comparative Efficiency of Fleet Manangement System Versus Transportation Manangement System on Transportation Vehicle Tracking System Efficiency
Fleet Management System, Transportation Management System, Information System EfficiencyAbstract
Fleet management is a relevant operational level activity that companies must face. Along with the development of technology, two systems that are often used to improve visibility and efficiency in tracking activities in the transportation industry are Fleet Management System (FMS) and Transportation Management System (TMS). In describing the advantages and disadvantages of each system, this research uses a qualitative approach with comparative analysis. The comparative analysis highlights the differences in priorities between departments at PT Varia Usaha Fabrikasi, where the Head of Driver Management & OHS emphasizes safety and OHS, while the Head of Operations focuses more on operational efficiency. Operations focuses more on operational efficiency. A view from an information technology perspective by the Head of IT concluded that the choice between FMS and TMS depends on current needs and future strategic direction, with FMS being efficient for real-time tracking and TMS providing a strategic data foundation.
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