Purchase Unwillingness of Indonesian Consumer on Unilever Products with Focus on Pro-Israel Sentiment
Boycott Motivation, Boycott Participation, Consumer Animosity, Unwillingness to BuyAbstract
This study aims test and analyze the effect of consumer animosity on boycott participation and boycott motivation, which ultimately influence unwillingness to buy. Also the effect of consumer animosity on unwillingness to buy, which is mediated by boycott participation and boycott motivation. Data were collected through an online survey with 320 respondents. This study uses a quantitative research method with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques. The results show that consumer animosity has a positive and significant effect on boycott motivation and boycott participation. Boycott participation and boycott motivation have a positive and significant impact on unwillingness to buy. Boycott participation and boycott motivation, as mediators, are proven to have a positive and significant effect on the relationship between consumer animosity and unwillingness to buy.
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