Analysis of User Satisfaction for Go-Pay Mobile Payment Based on E-Service Quality
CSI, IPA, customer satisfaction, e-service qualityAbstract
Technology development has provided easier access and increased internet user penetration in Indonesia. An adaptation resulting from this progress is the digital payment system. Changes in the payment system have increased the demand for mobile payment services, leading to the emergence of competition among service providers. One of this competition’s services is Go-Pay, an integrated mobile payment service within its parent company's main application. This research aims to identify the characteristics of Go-Pay mobile payment service users, analyze the importance and performance levels of each e-service quality attribute of Go-Pay, and assess user satisfaction with Go-Pay. The methods used include descriptive analysis, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The research results show that users consider sixteen out of twenty-four attributes important. Go-Pay demonstrates a high level of alignment between performance and importance, reaching 97%. The calculated CSI falls into the 'very satisfactory' category.
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