Peer Review Process

Before an article is deemed appropriate to be published in The Management Journal of Binaniaga (TMJB), it must undergo the following process:

  • The author should submit the manuscript in word format to The Management Journal of Binaniaga Editorial Office by online submission to
  •  All submitted manuscripts would be read and evaluated by editorial Team who forwards only the appropriate manuscript to experts in the field. Because the reviewers specialize in the same scholarly area as the author, they are considered the author’s peers (hence “peer review”).
  •  The article submitted to this online journal will be peer-reviewed at least by 2 (two) reviewers. 
  • Reviewers check the manuscript for accuracy and assess the validity of the research methodology and procedures.  
  •  Based on the reviews from reviewers, the editors will then accept or reject the papers with the following conditions:
  1. Accept and publish, with or without editorial revisions.
  2. Invite the authors to revise their manuscript and address specific concerns.
  3. Reject the article outright, typically on grounds of lack of originality, insufficient conceptual advancements or major technical and/or interpretational problems
  •  All reviewing process are in single blind review and managed by editor in the OJS.
  • Because a peer-reviewed journal will not publish articles that fail to meet the standards established for a given discipline, peer-reviewed articles that are accepted for publication exemplify the best research practices in a field.