The Effect of workload, work environment, and job insecurity on employee turnover intention
beban kerja, lingkungan kerja, job insecurity, turnover intentionAbstract
Turnover intention occurs in companies engaged in manufacturing, namely PT Kertas Energi Mulia Jepara where for the past year this company has experienced turnover intention every month. The largest decrease in employees occurred in December as many as 70 employees. The reason employees leave the company is because they are not ready for the borong system applied to the company. This research purposes to analyse the effect of workers' compensation, work environment, and job insecurity on the likelihood of employee turnover. This research was conducted at PT Kertas Energi Mulia Jepara which is located at KM Sukri No. 5, Potroyudan XIV, Kec. Jepara, Jepara District, Central Java, Indonesia. Quantitative methods were used in this research. The data collection process was conducted by distributing questionnaires directly to employees, and 113 of them responded. The findings of this research indicate a positive and statistically significant relationship between workload and turnover intention, as well as a positive and statistically significant relationship between job insecurity and turnover intention, but no relationship between workplace environment and turnover intention. The adjusted coefficient of determination (R2) value was 0.238 or 23.8%, while other variables such as job stress and job satisfaction accounted for 76.2% of the variance
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