The Impact of Leadership, Work Culture and Motivation Region of District Legislature Employees




Leadership, Work Culture, Motivation, and Performance


This study was conducted to determine the effect of leadership, work culture and motivation on the performance of employees of the Bantaeng Regency DPRD Secretariat. The research method is quantitative. Data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression leadership with a t-test of 2.227> t-table 2.021 with a significance of 0.032 <0.05 this study proves that leadership affects the performance of employees of the Bantaeng Regency DPRD Secretariat.

The results of this study can be understood that motivation is a form of encouragement that directs the apparatus to carry out an activity that shows its performance at work. Without motivation, there will be no activity so that employees will tend to be passive. Therefore, employees who have high work motivation will tend to do many activities that can lead to better performance. Motivation is also the willingness of employees to expend high levels of effort towards organizational goals. Motivation can take the form of power, affiliation and achievement motivation. With motivation, individuals will be encouraged to develop creativity and actualize all the abilities and energy they have to get the job done.


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How to Cite

Iriani, N., Rosnaeni, R., Arjang, A., & Putera, W. (2024). The Impact of Leadership, Work Culture and Motivation Region of District Legislature Employees. The Management Journal of Binaniaga, 9(01), 15–34.


