Firm Value: Corporate Governance, Intellectual Capital, Leverage and Profitability Mediation
This research aims to examine the influence of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), Intellectual Capital (IC), and Leverage on Firm Value, with Profitability as a mediating variable. Employing a quantitative approach and data from 17 property companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2019 and 2023, an analysis was conducted to test the relationships among these variables. The findings indicate that GCG has a significant negative impact on both Profitability and Firm Value. On the other hand, IC does not exhibit a significant impact on either Profitability or Firm Value. Leverage is turn out to have a significant positive impact on Firm Value but does not significantly affect Profitability. Furthermore, Profitability is incapable to serve as mediation the influence of GCG, IC, and Leverage on Firm Value. These findings provide crucial insights for stakeholders in formulating strategic policies to enhance company value, and highlight the need for more effective GCG practices and optimal utilization of IC to support the growth of the property sector in Indonesia.
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