Employment Status and Commitment in Improving Employee Performance at PT PLN (Persero)


  • Sadly Marzuki University of Eastern Indonesia
  • Nisma Iriani University of Eastern Indonesia
  • Wahyudi Putera Makassar State University
  • Saripuddin Saripuddin Patompo University
  • Nurjaya Nurjaya STIE Tri Dharma Nusantara
  • Indah Lestari Yahya Muslim University of Indonesia




Employment Status, Employee Commitment and Performance


This research wants to know how the impact occurs when employee performance at PT PLN (Persero) UIKL Sulawesi is optimized through the phenomenon of employees who are divided into employment status and how employee commitment has been felt by the company at work. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of employment status and commitment on employee performance at PT PLN (Persero) UIKL Sulawesi.

Data Collection Methods in the form of Questionnaires, Observation and Documentation, questionnaires distributed to sources and interviews conducted to sources with a population of 140 employees with the number of samples taking the entire population consisting of permanent employees, non-permanent employees and outsourced employees. The analysis technique uses multiple linear regression using SPSS for windows software.

This result can be interpreted that the higher the employment status, the higher the employee performance. Employee commitment has a significant effect on employee performance. This result can be interpreted that the higher the employee commitment, the higher the employee performance.


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How to Cite

Marzuki, S., Iriani, N., Putera, W., Saripuddin, S., Nurjaya, N., & Yahya, I. L. (2023). Employment Status and Commitment in Improving Employee Performance at PT PLN (Persero). The Management Journal of Binaniaga, 8(1), 41–56. https://doi.org/10.33062/mjb.v8i1.21


